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Correct usage and purchase of stainless steel cutlery


Stainless steel is made of iron-chromium alloy and some other trace elements. Stainless steel is becoming more and more popular with people because of its beautiful appearance, corrosion resistance, and the advantages of being resistant to damage. Stainless steel is increasingly used in pots, pans and decorated rooms. Stainless steel is less likely to rust than other metals, but when used improperly, trace metal elements contained in stainless steel tableware also slowly accumulate in the human body, and when it reaches a certain amount, it is harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is especially important to purchase the correct use of stainless steel cutlery.

1. Do not store salt, soy sauce, vinegar and vegetable soup for a long time. Due to the high electrolyte content of these items, stainless steel, like other metals, electrochemically reacts with these electrolytes to dissolve harmful metal elements when stored for extended periods of time.

2. Do not use stainless steel pots to cook traditional herbal medicine. Chinese herbs contain a variety of alkaloids, organic acids and other ingredients that make it difficult to avoid chemical reactions with them, especially under heating conditions, making the drug ineffective and producing more toxic substances. 

3. Do not use strong alkaline or strongly oxidizing chemicals such as baking soda, bleach, sodium hypochlorite for cleaning. Since these substances are strong electrolytes, they also react electrochemically with stainless steel.

4. Cannot be baked in the sky. Compared to iron and aluminum products, stainless steel cookware has a lower thermal conductivity and a slower heat transfer time, so the chrome coating on the surface of the cookware ages and falls off due to air combustion.

5. Keep the utensils clean and rub frequently. Especially after storing seasonings such as vinegar and soy sauce, wash them in a timely manner and dry the utensils.

Fake or inferior products are harmful to your health

1. When purchasing stainless steel cutlery, make sure that the materials and steel numbers used are listed on the exterior, the manufacturer's name, address, phone number, container hygiene standards, etc. it needs to be checked.

2. You can judge by the magnet.

3. Under normal circumstances, certified stainless steel cutlery will be heavier than non-certified ones.

4. Do not buy so-called "stainless steel products" with the hands of small vendors. Some street vendors often attract consumers at very low prices. In fact, most of what's on these stalls is fake. Real stainless steel tableware is not so cheap because the price is determined by the price of the material. Light "stainless steel" is definitely not edible stainless steel. So don't try to buy these fake or crude products cheaply. It can be harmful to your health.

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