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What kind of glassware can you put in the microwave


The most important thing to judge whether to put glassware in the microwave oven is to master three factors: the microwave oven penetration, high temperature resistance, and is to meet the requirements of food hygiene.

1, generally like borosilicate glass, glass, titanium oxide crystal glass made of vessels, due to good microwave penetration performance, stable physical and chemical properties, high temperature resistance (up to 500 degrees Celsius or even 1000 degrees Celsius), so suitable for long time use in the microwave oven.

2. Glasses, milk bottles and nursing bottles made of ordinary glass are only suitable for heating in the microwave oven for a short time, about 3 minutes. If it is heated for a long time, it is easy to break. Carved glass, reinforced glass, crystal glass products, because of the uneven thickness of the material, cooking oily food will burst, not suitable for use in the microwave oven.

3, the crystal cup can not be put in the microwave oven, there is no need to put in the microwave oven, because the crystal cup is usually used to hold red wine such cold drinks, do not need to put in the microwave oven heating.

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